
We can't list exact prices here, because every job is very different. Your best option is to call us at 720-344-6605 and describe your problem, and we can give you a price estimate over the phone.

Small Jobs: $100 + An example might be a one-stop trip to remove a snake in the patio, or dead animal in the attic. Not a far drive outside our service range.

Medium Jobs: $250 + An example might be a multi-stop project involving setting traps, returning twice to remove and relocate wildlife, minor repairs, etc.

Large Jobs: $500 + An example might be a project with several service visits, full home and attic inspection, multiple animals, complex repairs, attic cleanup, etc.

When you have an emergency with a wild animal, you need a prompt and efficient service that is ready to answer your call and provide service no matter what time of the day it is. For over 10 years we have been providing that type of service. We have a staff that is waiting to take your call 24 hours a day, and technicians are available to provide same-day service in emergencies. All calls are seen as important, so you are guaranteed that a technician will arrive to your property within 24 hours of your call. We are available seven days a week, every day of the year. No animal is too small or too large for us to handle. We are experts at handling mammals like rats, skunks, raccoons, mice, bats, and squirrels. We handle reptiles like snakes, and can not only extract birds in their nests, but also provide proactive measures to keep them from roosting on your home or building. We safely remove these animals and do so quickly, but we are humane in the way that we do it. This means that no poisons or dangerous traps will be employed. If you have a wild animal inside your home or business, call us right away. Our operators are standing by to assist you.